TCR is a numerical code based on the Classical Theory or Reverberation.


The simulation code TCR (from French "Théorie Classique de la Réverbération") is a numerical application of the Classical Theory of Reverberation as proposed by Sabine. It allows to obtain an evaluation of the diffuse sound field in a single room on the basis of Sabine's relations for the reverberation time and for the sound level of the reverberated field.

Kuttruff, Heinrich. Room Acoustics, Fifth Edition. 5th ed. London & New York: CRC Press, 2009.

  • Elements of validation

The TCR code was developed and is still maintained by the Environmental Acoustics Research Unit of Université Gustave Eiffel (formerly Ifsttar, formerly LCPC) since 2007.

Application domains
  • ROOM ACOUSTICS: diffuse sound field evaluation in a single room
Advantages of the current version
  • Instantaneous calculation of the diffuse field (reverberation time and sound level)
  • Include direct field calculation
Limitations of the current version
  • Based on the assumption of a diffuse field (Sabine's hypothesis)
  • No coupled rooms
  • No individual representation of first reflections (all contributions are included in the diffuse field)