Scientific references

I-Simpa and its internal calculation code SPPS have been developed for research by researchers. Some scientific references are then available.


I-Simpa (GUI interface)

  • Picaut, Judicaël, and Nicolas Fortin. 2012. « I-Simpa, a Graphical User Interface Devoted to Host 3D Sound Propagation Numerical Codes ». In Acoustics 2012 Nantes, édité par Société Française d’ Acoustique. Nantes, France.


SPPS (sound particle tracing code)

  • Picaut, Judicaël, and Fortin, Nicolas. 2012. « SPPS, a Particle-Tracing Numerical Code for Indoor and Outdoor Sound Propagation Prediction ». In Acoustics 2012 Nantes, 1417-1422. Nantes, France: Société Française d’Acoustique.
  • Nussbaumer, Pierrick, and Picaut, Judicaël. 2014. « Simulation acoustique dans des locaux par la méthode du lancer de particules sonores : validation à partir du Round Robin III ». In Congrès Français d'Acoustique 2014, 1291-1297. Poitiers, France: Société Française d’Acoustique.


Referencing to I-Simpa

As a researcher or engineer, if your use I-Simpa for your study/work, and if you want to publish your work, you can refer to I-Simpa using one of the given references.


Referencing your work

As a researcher or engineer, if you publish works that use or refer to I-Simpa, you can submit your document and/or reference. This will be add to the reference list on this page.