The project

The story

I-Simpa was initiated during research projects, some of them being funded by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) [involving other research partners: University of La RochellePprime Institute, Cerema], and by the French institute of sciences and technology for transport, development and networks (Ifsttar) [formerly the French Public Works Research Laboratory (LCPC)]. Note that Ifsttar is now the Université Gustave Eiffel.

I-Simpa was first developed as a tool for the pre and post processing of data, when using acoustics calculation codes, used for example, in researches concerning the sound propagation in urban areas or in buildings. Because, many people were interested by I-Simpa, we decided to distribute freely this tool, first as freeware, and now as an open source project.


The License

I-Simpa is distributed under the GPL version 3 license.



As an Open-Source project, volunteers can contribute to the project, in several ways (developing the code, contributing to the documentation...). 

Project team

I-Simpa was created and is managed by Nicolas Fortin (developer) and Judicaël Picaut (team leader and senior researcher in the field of Acoustics) at the Environmental Acoustics Research Unit (UMRAE) of the Université Gustave Eiffel (formerly, the French institute of sciences and technology for transport, development and networks - Ifsttar, formerly the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées - LCPC).


The organisation

Université Gustave Eiffel is a multidisciplinary university of national importance. It also has the distinction of being the first institution to bring together a research institute, a university, a school of architecture and three engineering schools. By pooling its many strengths in the areas of education and research, Université Gustave Eiffel aims to develop by pursuing a strategy based on complementarity between its founding institutions. By creating better synergies in this way, the university can offer the groups it serves a wider range of expertise. Educating young people, employees or citizens at all levels, providing the whole of society with scientific insights  ̶  the ultimate aim of Université Gustave Eiffel is to help raise everyone's level of qualification.

Within this Institute, the UMRAE performs research and developments and drives innovation in the fields of environmental acoustics. It intends primarily to provide responses to a major societal issue, aiming at reducing the exposure of citizens to noise, specially in urban areas. One of the main goal of the UMRAE is to propose methods, software, guides, recommendations for assessing noise impact from road, urban and railway developments, and more widely from every infrastructure generating acoustic nuisance