Import 3D files
Import 3D files with common extensions: 3DS (3D Studio), STL (stereolithography), PLY (Stanford) and POLY (TetGen).
Note that the following features are built-in features of the current release, and correspond to a standard use of ‘classical’ numerical codes of sound propagation based, for example, on ray-tracing approaches. Features can be adding using Python™ scripts.
Import 3D files with common extensions: 3DS (3D Studio), STL (stereolithography), PLY (Stanford) and POLY (TetGen).
Built-in design of parallelepipedic model. Just gives the dimensions of the scene.
Automatic tools for model corrections and repairs during file importation. Model detection error.
Algorithm for model approximation by the marching cube method. This can be useful for original 3D scene with many problems.
Import data from file (import from CATT-Acoustic™ and Odeon room acoustics software).
Use the built-in database (Reference) or create your own materials (User database). Organize and copy material between (sub-)groups of material.
Define acoustic parameters by frequency band: absorption, transmission loss, scattering, scattering reflection law. Add material information (description, physical parameters...).
Use the built-in database (Reference) or create your own source spectrum (User database).
Define source properties: spectrum, position, directivity, delay, activate/desactivate sources.
Organize and copy sources between (sub-)groups of material. Translation and rotation of (sub-)groups of sound sources.
Defines source properties: position, directivity, orientation to a point or (with a dynamic link) to a source, background noise.
Organize and copy receivers between (sub-)groups of material. Translation and rotation of (sub-)groups of receivers.
Definition of a surface receiver by selecting surfaces of the 3D model or by creating cut planes.
Built-in acoustic calculation code: sound particle tracing (SPPS); Classical theory of reverberation for room acoustics (TCR).
Noisemap (surface receivers) in stationary stationary state, time-varying state, time-cumulated state. Iso-contours.
EN ISO 3382-1 room acoustics parameters: Reverberation times, Clarity, Definition, Early support, Centre time, Strength, Early Lateral Energy Fraction, Late Lateral Sound Level.
Intensity vectors animation for punctual receivers. Ray-tracing and particle-tracing animation.
Echogram and Schroeder integration curves.
Extension of I-Simpa functionalities using Python scripts. Creations of Toolbox.
Definition of atmospheric conditions and
calculation of absorption coefficient (ISO 9613). Meteorological parameters (log-lin sound speed velocity profiles).
Built-in Delaunay tetrahedric meshing using TetGen code (fully parametrized).
OpenGL® support with several modes for viewing and camera. Graphical visualization and image exports. Dockable interface.
Multi-monitors viewing.
Definition of volumes with fitting objects characterized by probabilistic parameters (mean free path, absorption, diffusion law).